Monday, January 10, 2011

The ss.ellott cruise ship docks at u.s naval base.

The Cruise Liner,named the ss.elloitt has just docked at a u.s naval base, not far,where those group pinhead people who survied a plane crash, who do not want to be rescued by anyone.
Enisign Doggie Ian, lowers and locks the human and doggies passgeway walkway to the dock area, all the doggie and human passengers walk off and leave this doggie owned cruise liner, to visit the nearby bars and hotels and the newly opened heath club and spa ,owned and by Jenny who is a very beauiful woman,who wears great looking black boots.
Jenny is a youth goddess,Jenny has a underground play area, where she goes to play after she makes herself younger intill turns back into a 10 year old again.
Jenny poses nude for a visiting Former Cuban Gangster Named Tony Montatana.
The u.s naval base here ,its called Frosty the dog's naval base.
A lot of naval vessels are here.
There are lots of runways for all the fight jets and bombers to land and take off from.

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